kundalini yoga training
A 7-month programme starts on 3 November 2023
Suitable for all levels of experience.
This is an experience-based programme for personal growth and teacher certification. You will develop a foundation for a solid yoga practice, which is your base for being a teacher. This course is the opportunity to commit to positive change and to connect with others willing to do the same. You will gain the knowledge and self-confidence to make a difference in yourself and the world around you.
Two options available :
Bonus Module : 40-Hour Jappa Meditation Retreat
benefits of the course
• Learn the ancient science of yoga
• Develop your practice in kundalini yoga
• Deep understanding of kriyas and postures
• Strengthen your nervous system
• Activate your personal power
• Learn the Universal Laws
• Recognise your shadow self and heal it
• Open your connection to Oneness
• Ignite your light and your gift
Not just about teaching yoga
It’s not enough to just learn to teach postures, breathwork and meditation. You need to learn how these teachings can support your journey of self-actualisation.
This course will help you find the Teacher within, using technology of Kundalini Yoga and science of The Universal Laws. We honour original teachings which have been received. We introduce you to practical ways in which you can live these teachings and integrate them into your life today. All to discover your light, your gift and live your truth on the Earth. This is the true meaning of Yoga!
Teaching Pillars
kundalini yoga
Raise your consciousness
Build body and mind awareness
Develop intuition and meditative mind
Relate to your unlimited Self
universal laws
Learn about the Laws that govern your life
Understand the deeper reality of the Universe
Practice applying the laws in your life
Become a creator of the life you really desire
shadow work
Drop identification with your Ego
Understand your aspects that are in separation
Recognise and embrace all parts of you
Learn to resolve the shadow consciousness
sharing circles
Recognise the other is you
Learn how to become the observer
Develop your deep listening skills
Practice compassion
Practice seeing your life patterns
Develop inner wisdom and trust
Learn about decrees and affirmations
Journal to deepen your understanding
Teachers support
Learn from experienced mentors-teachers
True alignment with the Yoga
Feel safe and guided to open up
Aspire to become a teacher
course intentions
• Adventure in your consciousness to meet all you are
• Be confident to teach a Kundalini Yoga class
• Discover yogic lifestyle tools to support your journey
• Identify your needs and what blocks you
• With love and compassion we hold up a mirror to see what you can’t
• Discover and connect to your unique inner gift
• Access your innocent heart and live with joy
qualification requirements
• Attend all the training modules
• Attend mentoring online sessions
• Attend at least five morning Sadhanas
• Complete four Kriyas for 40 days
• Teach a class to the required standard
• Pass the written examination
On completion of the training you will be certified to teach Kundalini Yoga as a LOTS (The Light of the Soul) Kundalini Yoga Teacher
More aware of my physical body
I am much more aware of my physical body and I interact with it differently, from what I eat to the way I see myself. I am much more aware of unhealthy habits that I have, also with my relationships with others. I wasn’t expecting to open my heart to people that I haven’t met before and from whom I now feel this big love for. I gained trust. These last 6 months feel like a huge jump!
One word: stimulating (mentally and emotionally) What I didn’t expect: the stir up of emotions which were brought to surface level. The assistance in being able to let ‘things go’ and help coming to terms with accepting ‘what is’. Feeling at peace with things.
i have jumped off a cliff but instead of falling i am ascending
Har Nal, Jotipal and Ludmila you have helped me open my eyes and discover a world or worlds that I couldn’t imagine. It feels like I have jumped off a cliff but instead of falling I am ascending and its vertigo’s. You helped me see through me, taught me the importance of being the observer. I learned that I don’t have to intellectualise everything and that the important thing is not how productive I am in a day, the important thing is how present I am. You all have been guides in unknown territories, giving me keys to navigate through them. I am hope this is just a beginning and that our paths are now intertwined.
Programme overview
200 hours of quality teaching.
• 6 residential modules in Glastonbury
• 6 online mentoring sessions to guide and support
• Seven 40-day yoga sets
• Meditations to train the mind
• Seva as an integral part of the training
• Home assignments to integrate the teachings
• Written exam
Plus a team of qualified trainers who will guide you through the process
Dates and Modules 2023/24
module 1
Nov Fri 3rd (7pm) – Sun 5th (5pm)
Aquarian Age & the Yugas
Dynamics of Kundalini Yoga
Sadhana & Ishnaan
Universal Laws
Leela game
module 2
December Fri 15th (11am) to Sun 17th (4pm)
Philosophy of Yoga
The chakras
The energy bodies
Ladder of subtlety
module 3
February Fri 2nd (11am) to Sun 4th (4pm)
Patanjali sutras
Four stages of Meditation
Cycle of intellect
Monkey Mind and the 9 obstacles
Mantra & Shabd
module 4
March Fri 22nd (11am) to Sun 24th (4pm)
Karma, Samskaras and Dhama
Samara – 6 realms of the Ego
Law of Reflection
Recognising your shadow aspects
Healing decrees and meditations
module 5
May Fri 10th (7pm) – Sun 12th (5pm)
Soul Awakening
Padas of Spiritual path
Ascension Journey
Divine Presence
Spiritual Guides
module 6
July Tue 9th (5pm) – Sun 14th (4pm)
Kriyas, Pranayama & Bandhas
Class structure and preparation
Physical and subtle anatomy
Yogic lifestyle
Humanology cycles
Mentoring sessions
Group mentoring sessions will be live on Zoom
Held in-between each module for continuous support and guidance
Time to share your learning experience
See the gift of your challenge and resistance
All mentoring sessions are recorded
5 days fully residential in Glastonbury
Giving an Ashram experience
A time to fully immerse yourself in yoga and the elements
Anchoring your consciousness in the heart of Mother Earth

jappa meditation retreat
Bonus Module ~ Experience the Power of Shabd
Jappa means to repeat
40 hours of chanting one mantra
This retreat will deepen your experience of meditation
October 2024
Venue : Paddington Farm in Glastonbury
Discount price for people on training of £150 (normal price £270)

I loved all the training modules
I loved all the training modules & topics. I really enjoyed and found very useful the learnings about the mind and the universal laws. I loved learning karma and karma resolution, the law of resonance and the law of reflection. It was eye opening for me.

what i love about the way the course is taught, unlike many others, is that it had very natural and flowing quality
What I love about the way the course is taught, unlike many others, is that it had a very natural and flowing quality to it, where we seemed to learn what was called for in the moment rather than a fixed curriculum. I love to learn in this way without force or an agenda. Despite the course having this feel it felt like everything was covered that we were told we would learn about, even if it didn’t always happen in the order that was expected.
two options payment schedules
option one total £1,995
200 hour training- pay £1400 before the course starts
- £50 per weekend module
- £100 per three day module
- £195 for Summer week module
option two total £2,115
200 hour training- pay £100 before the course starts
- £200 per weekend module
- £340 per three day module
- £595 for Summer week module
low income options
Alternative payment plans available : please email to organise
Please contact us to discuss options if unemployed or on low income
Also possible to do training over two years to spread the cost
price includes
• Tuition fees for 6 modules in Glastonbury
• 6 Mentoring sessions on zoom
• Accommodation, venue for Module 2 Immersion week
• Vegetarian organic food on all modules
not included
• Accommodation for modules 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
Limited beds available at venue @ £25 per night, otherwise many B&B’s in Glastonbury.
Please call if you need recommendations.
• Bonus module – Jappa Meditation Retreat
Discount price for people on training @ £150 (normal price £270)
course location
All the modules are in Glastonbury and the residential week is at Paddington Farm in Glastonbury
Hexton Road, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8HL
Parking available
Nearest train station is Castle Cary (from Waterloo). Taxi to Glastonbury (30mins)
Other station is Bristol (from Paddington). Local bus 376 to Glastonbury (1.5hours)
National Epress Coach to Bristol. Local bus 376 to Glastonbury (1.5hours)
Berry coaches. Direct from London to Glastonbury. Only one coach a day.
Online Kundalini Yoga Training
Programme Overview
150 hours of teaching
• 6 modules on Zoom
• 6 online mentoring sessions to guide and support
• Seven 40-day yoga sets
• Meditations to train the mind
• Home assignments to integrate the teachings
• Written exam
Plus a team of qualified trainers who will guide you through the process

I loved all the training modules
I loved all the training modules & topics. I really enjoyed and found very useful the learnings about the mind and the universal laws. I loved learning karma and karma resolution, the law of resonance and the law of reflection. It was eye opening for me.

what i love about the way the course is taught, unlike many others, is that it had very natural and flowing quality
What I love about the way the course is taught, unlike many others, is that it had a very natural and flowing quality to it, where we seemed to learn what was called for in the moment rather than a fixed curriculum. I love to learn in this way without force or an agenda. Despite the course having this feel it felt like everything was covered that we were told we would learn about, even if it didn’t always happen in the order that was expected.
Online Dates
module 1
June : Fri 2nd (7.30pm) – Sun 4th (5pm)
module 2
July : Fri 21st (7.30pm) – Sun 23rd (5pm)
module 3
September 8th (11am) to 10th (5pm)
module 4
October : Fri 27th (7.30pm) – Sun 29th (5pm)
module 5
December : Fri 8th (7.30pm) – Sun 10th (5pm)
module 6
January 2024 : Fri 19th (7.30pm) – Sun 21st (4pm)
online module overview
Each module consists of 9 sessions over 2 days
Each session lasting max. 2.5 hours
Online ‘Group Mentoring Sessions’ will be live on Zoom
Here you can ask your questions direct with the teacher trainer. They are held in-between each module for continuous support and guidance through the whole training.
All modules and mentoring sessions are recorded so if you can’t attend live, you can watch the recording at a time that is convent for you.
On completion of the training you will be certified to teach Kundalini Yoga as a LOTS (Light of the Soul) Kundalini Yoga Teacher
online training fees total £1,140
150 hour Training- £100 deposit
- £165 per two day module
- £215 per three day module
low income options
Alternative payment plans available : please email to organise
Please contact us to discuss options if unemployed or on low income
Also possible to do training over two years to spread the cost
meet the light of the soul team
har nal kaur
Har Nal Kaur grew up in the English countryside. Her contemplative nature and connection to spirit led her to Kundalini Yoga. After teacher training, she collaborated with Satyavrati Karta, the founder of Amrit Nam Sarovar International School, creating and managing courses and retreats offered at Le Martinet Ashram, her home for almost 10 years. She also created teacher trainings in London, Egypt and Estonia. She now lives and runs trainings from her home, Glastonbury, The Heart Chakra of the planet.
Har Nal is an exceptional mentor, having a gift to help others become aware of their shadows and transform them. She offers Universal Ray Healing, Emotional release work~AMANAE and Inner Child work. Har Nal also leads frequency courses, working with the Ascended Masters.
+44 (0)7740 435379
ludmila livdharam
Ludmila is a Kundalini yoga teacher, a lightworker and a master of women’s practices. Ludmila has accomplished two levels of Kundalini Yoga Teacher training with Amrit Nam Sarovar School (ANS) where she later became a trainer and a mentor. Qualified in Kundalini Yoga as Medicine, Kundalini Gong Yoga, Healing Rays and Theta Healing, she teaches yoga classes and offers sound healing and tantric numerology as tools to shift consciousness.
Member of the Divine University and Jani Tara on a Path of One Heart. Ludmila has a gift of sensitivity and unmistakable profound connection with Light. Driven by willingness to serve, she guides people to their Light within.
+44 (0)7956 560742
jotipal kaur
Jotipal has over 10 years of teaching experience in Kundalini yoga. Before this she had a long standing practice in Hatha yoga. Her background is as a therapist, working for over 15 years with clients from all walks of life to help them clear subconscious programming and cellular memory with BodyTalk. She is passionate about supporting people to make life changing shifts in their lives and has devoted many years to running women’s circles and inspiring others to find their light. She holds a strong, safe and compassionate space for others.
+44 (0)7774 553227
contact us

I loved all the training modules
I loved all the training modules & topics. I really enjoyed and found very useful the learnings about the mind and the universal laws. I loved learning karma and karma resolution, the law of resonance and the law of reflection. It was eye opening for me.

what i love about the way the course is taught, unlike many others, is that it had very natural and flowing quality
What I love about the way the course is taught, unlike many others, is that it had a very natural and flowing quality to it, where we seemed to learn what was called for in the moment rather than a fixed curriculum. I love to learn in this way without force or an agenda. Despite the course having this feel it felt like everything was covered that we were told we would learn about, even if it didn’t always happen in the order that was expected.